Saturday, January 16, 2010

a quiet love letter to my stefano.

its been very quiet lately.  on the street, in the air, in my mind and on the blog.   and thats good.

however tomorrow is my husbands 50th birthday.  this, obvioulsy, cannot go unnoticed.

not that i'm planning some crazy party with tons of friends (he'd die of embarrassment, this is one
private man), noisemakers, great cheese, the best dark rich wines available and some nine inch nails in the air.  no, this is the kind of soul that would prefer a quiet nite with my daughter and I, roasting marshmallows at our shack by the beach.

next month, we will have been together for 23 years.  he pretty much moved in the day after i met him.
One couldn't have thrown two more completely different souls together.  everyday, i find myself wondering how did this happen.  we were raised vastly different.  our perspectives on life often conflict.  But, somehow... some magical way, it works.  to be truthful, after 23 years now, we're very much alike.

he has the patience of a saint.  his arms are loving and comfortable.  he makes me laugh all the time.
i can still tell him anything.  his concept of family is deep and respectful.  he's my man.

and i love him.  inside.  he's in my blood, he's in my heart, he is part of my soul.

happy 50th birthday stefano, may the next 50 be even more wonderfilled than the last.



  1. that is so lovely Dani, I just ran across your sites today for the first time.I'm sorry about your Mom and glad you have this month together at cottage to do what families do at a time like this.So much of you I didn't know about. This is very cool. I need desperately to update my website and it would be so great to do a blog I need to get tech savy. I love all your flower pics too. xoxxo

  2. well, not all of us are going.... someone has to stay back to watch and care for the joint here.

    nonetheless it will be nice to get away.

    thank you for leaving your words... you 'should'
    write your own blog... i'd read it.

    be well.
