Saturday, May 22, 2010

Laid my mom to rest under a big old tree today.

Her wish, to be one with the trees.   The big ladder on the front was for creatures great and small to
climb above it all... 


  1. sorry for your loss

    the ladder and tree wish is lovely


  2. pomp... i know you're anonymous, but do i know you... doesn't really matter i guess. i do thank you tho. very kind.

  3. Reminiscing about my nonna today …. Which brought me back to the wonderful memories of being with her at 468 Montrose Ave….and all the amazing neighbours...I remember your mother’s many visits….I’m so sorry for your loss….Elizabeth

  4. she was amazing. showed me how to properly plant tomatoes... in some ways, it all doesn't seem that long ago, and in other ways.... forever. nice to see you that time on the street with your lovely little family,

    be well,

