Thursday, December 10, 2009

wooden painted carousel horse head....

i was given this beautiful horse head by one of the most intriguing characters i have ever met.  he had just returned to canada after 10 years away, only to be hunted down by revenue canada for not taking care of his finances.  instead of dealing with the issues at hand, he decided to let go of everything he had accumulated over the years in a storage container and head into the forest.  he had, after days and days of sleepless nites, decided to check out of this world.  disappear for awhile.  when he handed it to me i could hardly hold back the tears as i thanked him endlessly.  later that day, hidden inside, was a chunk of wood, wrapped in plastic.  glued onto that piece of wood was a lottery ticket from the Louisiana State Lottery Co. issued in 1888.  a monthly twenty dollar draw.

if i end up deciding to disappear one day, into the woods, i'll pass it along to someone else as well.

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